
19S1 D. Anselmi
Theories of gravitation




D. Anselmi
From Physics To Life

A journey to the infinitesimally small and back

In English and Italian

Available on Amazon:
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IT: book | ebook  (in IT)

Recent Papers


Conferenza pubblica al pub “Lo spaventapasseri” di Pisa, il 28/11/2019 alle ore 20.00, sul tema della gravità quantistica


Presentazione per il pubblico alla conferenza “Tantrismo e Metafisica quantica” per il ciclo “One World University: incontri tra Oriente e Occidente”, a cura di Gloria Germani, presso in Cinema Odeon di Firenze, 21/3/2019


We define life as the amplification of quantum uncertainty up to macroscopic scales. A living being is any amplifier that achieves this goal. We argue that everything we know about life can be explained from this idea. We study a ladder mechanism to estimate the probability that the amplification occurs spontaneously in nature. The amplification mechanism is so sensitive to small variations of its own parameters that it acts as a bifurcation itself, i.e. it implies that the universe is either everywhere dead or alive wherever possible. Since the first option is excluded by the existence of life on earth, we infer that the universe hosts a huge number of inhabited planets (possibly one per star on average). We also investigate models of conscious and unconscious learning processes, as well as the structure of the brain and evolution. Finally, we address the problem of creating artificial life.


OSF preprints | DOI: 10.31219/

Philpapers ANSLTD-3

Preprints 2019, 2019120303


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14B1 D. Anselmi

Course on renormalization, taught in 2015.

Last update: September 15th 2023, 242 pages

The final (2023) edition is vaibable on Amazon:


1. Functional integral
2. Renormalization
3. Renormalization group
4. Gauge symmetry
5. Canonical formalism
6. Quantum electrodynamics
7. Non-Abelian gauge field theories
Notation and useful formulas

The pdf file of the 2015 Edition is available here: PDF